Launched in 2024, the AYO Youth Council empowers young musicians to shape the future of Australia’s arts landscape. Open to AYO participants and reserves, the council brings together young voices passionate about driving change in the industry. At its inaugural meeting, 27 young musicians united to define their vision for the council and the arts sector. Leading the council in its first year were co-Chairs Bailey Ireland (bassoon, WA) and Paul Nicolaou (harp, NSW) who were elected by the council members
Meeting quarterly, the Youth Council collaborates with AYO’s staff and board to shape policy, discuss programming, and tell the AYO story. In 2025, members will focus on the social context in which they make music and connect with youth-led committees at other like-minded organisations.
As part of AYO’s commitment to youth-centred practice, the Youth Council amplifies diverse voices, offering fresh perspectives on AYO’s activities while empowering members to serve as industry advocates. These are the cultural leaders of tomorrow.
Apply via the My AYO portal by 24 February.