1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 The Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) is dedicated to young people and their pursuit of happiness, excellence, and inspiration through music. We are committed to safeguarding children and young people in our care and ensuring a positive, respectful, and enriching environment.

1.1.2 Our Code of Conduct explains our expectations of you. It is an agreement between you and AYO, providing a shared understanding of the way we behave as individuals and towards each other.

1.2 Scope

1.2.1 This Code applies to all AYO staff, board members, tutors, guest artists, program participants, committee members, suppliers, and contractors.

1.2.2 This Code and its obligations extend to our program partners and any persons who visit our premises, programs, or activities within Australia and overseas.

1.2.3 This policy includes any web-based or online activity. It includes misuse of mobile phones and other similar devices or services. It may include other activities not specifically mentioned in this policy but which could reasonably fall within its scope.

1.2.4 The policy applies even if the activity is out of AYO hours, off AYO’s premises, on weekends, or during holidays, and particularly if it occurs immediately following or preceding an AYO-organized event.

1.3 AYO Policy References

  • Child Safety Policy
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Privacy Policy

2. Principles

2.1 Our Values

2.1.1 Our values underpin all that we do. They are:

  • Quality: We are committed to the highest level of artistic, educational, and organizational practice, ensuring that every experience with AYO is of the highest standard.
  • Respect: We engage a youth-centred approach in all aspects of our organization, reflecting our belief that all people should be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Creativity: We celebrate the joy, wonder, and discovery inherent in music-making and seek opportunities to excite human creativity through music.
  • Connection: We believe in the positive impact of working together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. We foster inclusivity, collaboration, and belonging.

3. Code of Conduct

3.1 Policy

3.1.1 The work and reputation of AYO depend on the performance and behaviour of our people.

3.1.2 Our Code establishes the standards of conduct and behaviour expected from you while working, training, rehearsing, performing and interacting with others, regardless of location.

3.1.3 The Code of Conduct is not intended to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of what to do in every situation. Instead, it represents a broad framework that will help guide conduct and behaviour in the performance of duties and interactions.

3.2 Conduct that breaches the Code of Conduct

3.2.1 All members of the AYO community, including AYO staff, board members, tutors, guest artists, program participants, committee members, suppliers, and contractors, are expected to report any breaches of this Code of Conduct or concerns about unethical behaviour to the appropriate team leader, manager, or designated contact person. Reports will be treated confidentially and investigated promptly.

3.2.2 Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, which could include suspension, termination of participation in AYO activities, contract termination, or legal action, depending on the severity and nature of the breach.

4. Commitments

4.1 Integrity and Ethical Behaviour

  • I will act with integrity and ethical behaviour in all my interactions, knowing that I am a representative of AYO. I will uphold our values and principles, maintaining transparency and accountability in all my actions and decisions within the organisation and with external stakeholders.
  • I will act honestly, fairly, and transparently in all dealings, avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring that my actions serve the best interests of AYO.

4.2 Respect for Diversity and Inclusion

  • I will treat every individual with respect and dignity, valuing their uniqueness and contributions, and fostering an inclusive environment within AYO where everyone feels heard and valued.
  • I will actively promote diversity and inclusion within AYO activities and projects, ensuring that all members feel welcome and respected.

4.3 Professionalism and Accountability

  • I will conduct myself in a professional manner at all times, demonstrating reliability, punctuality, and commitment to my role and responsibilities.
  • I will avoid any behaviour or public expression of opinion that may damage or contradict the public image and reputation of AYO.
  • I will ensure my actions do not negatively impact AYO’s economic interests, create conflicts of interest, or cause disruption or disharmony in the workplace. This includes being mindful of how my behaviour and expressions affect our relationships with audiences, donors, and other stakeholders.

4.4 Collaboration and Teamwork

  • I will work collaboratively with others, sharing knowledge, skills, and resources generously.
  • I will encourage and support my peers, celebrating their achievements and providing constructive feedback.

4.5 Responsible Stewardship

  • I will use AYO’s funds, resources, and information responsibly and ethically, ensuring they are allocated efficiently and effectively.
  • I will ensure all funds and resources are used transparently, with a focus on maximising the impact and benefit for the organisation.
  • I will commit to sustainable practices in all AYO activities, seeking ways to reduce our environmental footprint.

4.6 Safety and Well-being

  • I will prioritise the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in AYO activities, implementing appropriate measures to mitigate risks and ensure a safe environment for everyone.
  • I will adhere to AYO’s child safety policies and procedures, including measures to prevent, identify, and respond to any instances of child abuse or safeguarding concerns in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

4.7 Alcohol and Drugs

  • I will maintain a substance-free environment to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.
  • I will report any consumption of alcohol or possession of illicit drugs by participants under the age of 18 to the Director of Operations.
  • I will not supply alcohol or cigarettes to any participant.
  • I will not consume alcohol while under Duty of Care obligations.
  • I will avoid excessive consumption of alcohol during the program, defined as any action resulting from alcohol that adversely affects others, the smooth running of the program, or leads to absence from any scheduled activity.
  • I will not consume or possess illicit drugs.
  • I will report smoking by any participant under the age of 16 to the Director of Operations.

4.8 Use of Digital Platforms

  • I will use AYO’s digital platforms for appropriate purposes only, avoiding any form of harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate content.
  • I will ensure all communications via digital platforms reflect AYO’s values and standards of professionalism.
  • I will not engage in online arguments or post content that could harm AYO’s reputation. I will use official communication channels for professional discussions.

4.9 Interaction with Participants and Stakeholders

  • I will serve as a positive role model for all participants, encouraging their growth and development through supportive interactions.
  • I will maintain professional boundaries at all times to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
  • I will engage respectfully and professionally with all stakeholders, including audiences, donors, and community members, fostering positive relationships that reflect the values of AYO.

5. Policy Distribution

5.1 All our people will be provided with a copy of the Code of Conduct and can access it upon request and/or via our induction process. We will ensure that all our people are notified of and made aware that they are required to follow this policy.

6. Review

6.1 We are committed to continuous improvement to our policy, procedures and practices. This policy will be reviewed at least every three years by the CEO and approved by the National Board of Directors to ensure it is working in practice and updated as required.

6.2 Feedback on this and other policies is openly encouraged from our people, partners, stakeholders and the communities we work with. Feedback, as well as emerging good practice and collaborative lessons learnt across the development sector, will be used to strengthen this and related policies and procedures.

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