Two women in black dresses

The sun came out at Admiralty House on 9 October as we celebrated the news that the 2013 international tour will be led by legendary conductor Christoph Eschenbach and violinist Joshua Bell. The Governor-General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, spoke warmly of her long association with the AYO and how inspiring she found AYO performances and the musicians’ dedication. It was such a privilege for the AYO to be invited to Admiralty House and we would like to extend our thanks to Alexandra Hocking and the events team for their generous hospitality.

Mary-Jeanne and Scott Hutchinson held a reception at their beautiful home in Brisbane on 12 October to help us reach the final $30,000 towards this year’s $180,000 target for the tour. Forty of the Hutchinson’s friends and family, and some of the AYO’s Brisbane-based supporters enjoyed wine and canapés and listened to a performance by a quartet from the AYO. The Development team would like to warmly thank the Hutchinson’s for hosting such a lovely event.

There now remains just $25,000 for us to to raise before the end of the year. If you’d like to help us reach our goal, please send your cheque payable to The Australian Youth Orchestra to The Arts Exchange, Level 1, 10 Hickson Road, Millers Point NSW 2000 or telephone 1300 668 500 to pay by credit card.

A huge thank you to everyone who has already made a donation.

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