


Tutor: 2012-2015
AYO: 2000-2001

Queensland Symphony Orchestra Associate Principal Bassoonist David Mitchell was once performing in Germany with Valery Gergiev when the conductor decided to change the concert program in the dress rehearsal because he didn’t like it. ‘He made us learn a whole new program on the spot. You can do that sort of thing when you’re the boss. Although scary, it turned out to be one of the most exciting concerts I’ve ever played.’

David’s achievements including being a recipient of the QLD Young Performer of the Award and two ANAM Scholarships, winning the Open Instrumental Section of the North Queensland Concerto Competition and touring internationally with the Sydney Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Wolfram Christ.


Question: How did the AYO 2001 International Tour help kick-start your career?

Answer Basically, AYO got me to Europe – it opened that door for me. I’d always wanted to study and work in Germany and AYO gave me the confidence. After the tour, I lined up study and auditions and ended up staying in Europe for nine years.

Question: What was the most inspiring aspect of being overseas?

Answer In Europe the concert halls are full and the audiences are so enthusiastic. Culture is everywhere.

Question: What do you enjoy about tutoring with AYO?

Answer Tutoring for a program such as AYO Young Symphonists is very rewarding. Many of the musicians have never played in an orchestra before, and it’s fantastic to see how far they develop musically over a single week. Watching the AYO concerts is always exciting because the musicians are so full of energy – they only get one chance, so they’re striving to be their absolute best.

Question: Why should emerging musicians audition for AYO?

Answer They’re crazy if they don’t! It’s almost a rite of passage for professional musicians. If you haven’t played with AYO, you haven’t lived.

Question: Career tips for emerging musicians?

Answer Building a career is all about reputation. When you receive a call, don’t just turn up – be highly prepared. And be nice to others.

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