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1.1. The Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) aims to provide children and young people with a positive and enriching educational environment that promotes their musical and social development.
1.2. The best interests of children and young people and their protection from harm is at the centre of all AYO policies and procedures.
1.3. AYO has zero tolerance for child abuse, harm, and neglect.
1.4. AYO believes that the rights of children and young people need to be understood and respected.
1.5. All concerns about safety raised by children and young people, their parents and carers are acted upon by AYO.
1.6. AYO encourages the reporting of complaints.
2.1 The policy outlined in this document has been developed to give effect to the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework, the Australian Government policy that sets minimum standards for creating and embedding a child safe culture in Commonwealth entities, and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
2.2 Individual state and territory governments are responsible for statutory child protection. AYO complies with each jurisdiction’s requirements.
2.3 We are committed to safeguarding children and young people in our care and ensuring that they feel and are safe. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
2.4 Accordingly, our personnel will strive for the highest possible standards with respect to safeguarding children and young people from abuse.
3.1. The AYO Child Safe Policy, Codes of Conduct and related Guidelines and Procedures aim to:
4.1 The Policy and its related documents are binding on all staff, sub-contractors and volunteers working with AYO who have direct interaction with our participants. They are also binding on participants in our programs who are over the age of 18.
4.2 The Policy and its related documents are also binding on former employees, sub- contractors, volunteers or participants of AYO.
4.3 All participants, staff, guest artists and contractors are required to comply with AYO Code of Conduct, which sets out expected ways of behaving and working together to create a safe and supportive working environment.
5.1 AYO is responsible for the wellbeing of children and young people whilst under its care. The wellbeing of children and young people in our programs is AYO’s primary concern.
5.2 AYO has a duty to take reasonable care for the safety and welfare of all children and young people whilst they are engaged in our programs and activities.
5.3 This duty extends to AYO staff, volunteers and contractors engaged in child- related employment.
5.4 “Reasonable care” includes taking such measures as are reasonable to protect against risk of harm that reasonably ought to be foreseen, from both known and foreseeable hazards.
5.5 AYO’s duty includes taking preventative and protective actions related to risk of harassment or abuse.
5.6 AYO develops risk assessment for each project the organisation undertakes in planning stage of the project, and strategies and plans are developed to mitigate risks as appropriate.
5.7 AYO supports staff, volunteers and contractors in child-related employment to maintain and support a safe environment, through required checks and screening, appropriate induction.
5.8 The key role of AYO staff, volunteers and contractors is to create a safe learning environment, encouraging children’s independence and using professional judgement, to ensure children are not at unreasonable risk.
6.1. AYO is responsible for ensuring all staff, tutors, and guest artists engaged are appropriately screened through reference checks, National Criminal History Checks (NCHC) and current Working with Children Checks (WWCC).
7.1 AYO has legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
7.2 AYO staff must report to the AYO CEO if they believe a child or young person is at risk of harm or concerns exist in regards to the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the child or young person.
7.3 All staff, contractors and volunteers are required to bring these matters to the AYO CEO who will report to relevant parties at the earliest possible time.
7.4 If the concern involves the AYO CEO, AYO staff must report directly to their Senior Line Manger who will must bring the report to the AYO Board Chair.
8.1 All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved, whether they be staff, volunteers, parents or children, unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. We have safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected.
8.2 AYO ensures that an appropriate audit trail is kept of all appointments and contracts of those in child-related employment (in paid and volunteer roles).
8.3 We will keep appropriate records of all incidents reported by staff, volunteers or participants.
8.4 AYO will keep this information private (in accordance with the Privacy Act) except
for purposes of reporting risk and
9.1 Staff employed in identified child safe positions are required to complete the Australian Human Rights Commission Child Safe Organisations training modules, and other training as directed by their manager or supervisor.
9.2 All AYO staff commit to uphold to the Council of Australian Government’s National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, namely:
10.1 All complaints made about AYO staff, contractors or volunteers which involves children will be investigated in accordance with the Complaint Handling Guide: Upholding the rights of children and young people National Office for Child Safety, published by the National Office for Child Safety.
10.2 For further information about how AYO manages complaints, please refer to AYO’s Complaints About Personal Conduct Policy