AYO Blog

AYO National Music Camp 2013: Blog 7
By Andrew Aronowicz

Words About Music participants Justina Lui, Celia-Fitz-Walter, Sascha Kelly and Erin Lancaster hard at work finishing Musica Fever.
WAM participants Justina Lui, Celia-Fitz-Walter, Sascha Kelly and Erin Lancaster hard at work finishing Musica Fever.

Day 12: Accelerando

The Words About Music participants have spent a good amount of time at camp interviewing and writing about other people. However, with an onslaught of deadlines, and the accumulated tiredness of nearly two weeks worth of blogging, concert program note writing, radio editing, and eating copious amounts of cake, it seems appropriate to tell you a little bit about what we’ve been doing.

Today was a big day for us. The Words About Music participants, known affectionately as ‘WAMmers’, have been working over the last two weeks to produce the in-camp magazine, Musica Fever, under the guidance of WAM tutors Jim Koehne and Vince Ciccarello. The magazine, which will be released in the next day or so, features a variety of articles, reviews, interviews and profiles. With the final draft due today, the WAMmers were frantically completing all the last-minute tasks: article proofs, resizing photographs, and all the odds and ends needed to touch up the magazine.

Musica Fever editor Rachel Landgren getting helpful advice from Words About Music tutors, Vince Ciccarello and Jim Koehne.
Musica Fever editor Rachel Landgren getting helpful advice from Words About Music tutors, Vince Ciccarello and Jim Koehne.

At the same time, members of the group had to put together the radio feature to be played during the final concert on ABC classic fm. Running around recording dialogue and editing sound files didn’t help to keep stress levels low. Up in the WAM office (Schulz building, 7th floor), the best way to regain sanity would be to indulge in liberal amounts of junk food and ad hoc sing-alongs around the piano.

At the end of the day everyone felt a great sense of relief, with the knowledge all tasks were done. After a busy two weeks of writing, the WAMmers are looking forward to enjoying the last few concerts without the pressure of a looming deadline. With tiredness truly setting in, you know it’s time to leave Adelaide when your friends start telling you stories that you told them a week ago.

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